Two seperate productions, Marilyn - A Musical Drama, and the play, Whatever Happened to Marilyn? Both by Duncan Hopper, Presented by MagicHour Theatre
Images & Videos
"Compelling Theatre"
-Three weeks
"Classy Acting"
-Nuts 4 chic
"Whatver Happened to Lyn Roe? was the only Theatre Production chosen by the Fringe organisers to preview at the Fringe Opening that the cast got a standing ovation after their perfromance."
'The Argus' Review
-Three weeks
"Classy Acting"
-Nuts 4 chic
"Whatver Happened to Lyn Roe? was the only Theatre Production chosen by the Fringe organisers to preview at the Fringe Opening that the cast got a standing ovation after their perfromance."
'The Argus' Review